Interdependence – Drive of Evolution


For millions of years, throughout the universe, all known matter came from the stars. All forms of life then became structured, organised and diversified in accordance with rules common to all. On Earth, intelligence, conscience, emotions and communication exist in forms that we cannot altogether apprehend. The differences between us are rather a matter of degrees of expression than of divergence or separation. Evolution in terms of interdependence and solidarity, not of competition….

This first part is intended to surprise, but also to amuse, to fill us with wonder, but also to start us thinking. We will travel from the sea, the cradle of all life, to the vegetable kingdom in constant dialogue, then on to the cetaceans, shown by modern research to have a high level of conscience, intelligence and social life. Finally, we will reflect on the nature of emotions and happiness. Happiness, the aspiration of all sentient beings and not the exclusive privilege of human beings.

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